We Need $150 Billion for Affordable Housing
The Build Back Better Plan proposes $150 billion dollars for investments in affordable housing. This includes increased funding to dramatically boost the Housing Choice Voucher Program, the Housing Trust Fund, as well as funds to improve public housing in the United States. This investment is decades overdue!
Millions of our fellow Americans, including children, veterans and working families are facing a life threatening housing crisis during the winter season! Covid-19 has dramatically increased the evictions of working families, children, and individuals who now more than ever need a helping hand from the Federal government to ensure that all Americans have access to safe, decent, affordable, housing.
Appropriating $150 billion dollars over 10 years in affordable housing is an investment in safe and secure communities; it will NOT result in rising inflation. Housing is a human right. All Americans deserve a safe and decent place to live, regardless of one’s income, health, or employment status.
We Need $150 Billion for Affordable Housing
The Build Back Better Plan proposes $150 billion dollars for investments in affordable housing. This includes increased funding to dramatically boost the Housing Choice Voucher Program, the Housing Trust Fund, as well as funds to improve public housing in the United States. This investment is decades overdue!
Millions of our fellow Americans, including children, veterans and working families are facing a life threatening housing crisis during the winter season! Covid-19 has dramatically increased the evictions of working families, children, and individuals who now more than ever need a helping hand from the Federal government to ensure that all Americans have access to safe, decent, affordable, housing.
Appropriating $150 billion dollars over 10 years in affordable housing is an investment in safe and secure communities; it will NOT result in rising inflation. Housing is a human right. All Americans deserve a safe and decent place to live, regardless of one’s income, health, or employment status.