Urge Your Lawmakers to support S.119/H.5272, and to Oppose any gun control legislation

S.73/H.5555 attacks concealed carry on school property.  This bill really amounts to a mandate to leave your gun unattended in the parking lot.  The existing school carry law has been on the books for decades with no problems.  This legislation is a solution in search of a problem.  Unfortunately, this bill creates new and potentially dangerous problems, as it would require gun owners to unload in the parking lot and then leave their firearm in an unattended vehicle. 

S.406/H.5553 is mandatory storage legislation.  This legislation does nothing except tip the scales toward criminals in self-defense situations.   Micromanaging safety practices inside one’s home by mandating firearms be under lock and key denies the basic right to self-defense and is a flagrant violation of a person’s constitutional rights.  This should be a matter of personal responsibility as everyone’s living situation is different. 

S.416/H.5386 is legislation that purports to outlaw straw purchases, which are already against the law.  What this bill really does is create traps to ensnare those who might “transfer” firearms.  Simply handing-off a gun from instructor to student could potentially result in serious legal jeopardy.  The bill creates a new felony and would result in a lifetime gun ban.

There is one bill under consideration that is more appropriately focused.  S.119/H.5727 would require the Attorney General to issue a report on the disposition of gun charges and gun cases that have been brought by prosecutors.  Gun owners have long maintained that current gun laws should be enforced, rather than passing new laws that do nothing more than punish law-abiding gun owners.