Connecticut: Urge Your Lawmakers to Oppose Gun Control Bills

The Connecticut state Joint Judiciary Committee has voted to pass a number of gun control bills. They will now go to their respective chambers for further consideration.  Please contact your state Senator and Representative and urge them to OPPOSE Senate Bill 60 and House Bills 5345, 5725, and 7223.

SB 60 would allow law enforcement officers to demand that Connecticut handgun permit holders present their permit if the officer had reason to believe they were carrying a handgun.  Current law already allows police officers to request proof of a permit, but only when they have a “reasonable suspicion” that a crime is being committed, supported by articulable facts that criminal activity is occurring. 

HB 5345 is without any consideration for personal circumstances.  Gun safety and storage is a matter of personal responsibility and every person’s situation is different.  It is unreasonable for the law to impose a one-size-fits-all solution and force law-abiding citizens to make their firearms unavailable for self-defense.

HB 5725 would end a practice that dates back nearly four centuries in Connecticut.  Banning home manufacturing of firearms for personal use would only affect law-abiding hobbyists and enthusiasts without affecting criminals who most often obtain their firearms through theft or on the black market.

HB 7223 would impose an unreasonable requirement on gun owners transporting handguns on top of the carrying cases and locked vehicles they use to secure their firearms.