Vaccine Injury is REAL. Take Action Today!
Vaccine injury is real - but it is hardly ever reported or spoken about. This is why some lawmakers, agency officials and hospital CEOS's support mandatory vaccination (they think vaccines are all benefit, without risk).
Now - after more than a year of telling businesses what to do - our government officials are now saying that businesses should do what they want when it comes to requiring vaccines... And so the tax-supported University of Vermont Medical Center has just announced a discriminatory new policy, which prohibits unvaccinated visitors.
This policy is egregious. It violates all tenets of medical consent. Medical discrimination and vaccine coercion such as this, must be stopped.
- One easy way would be to PASS H283.
- A second way is to ensure people have the recognized right to file "exemptions." Currently, parents can file religious exemptions. H322 expands these exemptions to include personal beliefs or conscientious objections.
- Another way is to make sure lawmakers know that vaccine injury is real. Let's tell our stories, and insist that H323 be passed, to put the DATA in front of decision makers!!
If you have been injured, PLEASE tell your story. Elected lawmakers and the general public NEED to hear from you! Your letters, your phone calls, your voices are needed!
Vaccine Injury is REAL. Medical freedom is imperative.
Please take action to urge the Vermont Legislature to PASS H323, H283 and H322!
(Take action from our website at today)
Vaccine Injury is REAL. Take Action Today!
Vaccine injury is real - but it is hardly ever reported or spoken about. This is why some lawmakers, agency officials and hospital CEOS's support mandatory vaccination (they think vaccines are all benefit, without risk).
Now - after more than a year of telling businesses what to do - our government officials are now saying that businesses should do what they want when it comes to requiring vaccines... And so the tax-supported University of Vermont Medical Center has just announced a discriminatory new policy, which prohibits unvaccinated visitors.
This policy is egregious. It violates all tenets of medical consent. Medical discrimination and vaccine coercion such as this, must be stopped.
- One easy way would be to PASS H283.
- A second way is to ensure people have the recognized right to file "exemptions." Currently, parents can file religious exemptions. H322 expands these exemptions to include personal beliefs or conscientious objections.
- Another way is to make sure lawmakers know that vaccine injury is real. Let's tell our stories, and insist that H323 be passed, to put the DATA in front of decision makers!!
If you have been injured, PLEASE tell your story. Elected lawmakers and the general public NEED to hear from you! Your letters, your phone calls, your voices are needed!
Vaccine Injury is REAL. Medical freedom is imperative.
Please take action to urge the Vermont Legislature to PASS H323, H283 and H322!
(Take action from our website at today)