Take Action to Protect Patient Choice
Right now in Richmond, the General Assembly is considering two bills that would let big insurance companies tell Virginia families which doctors they can and can’t see when they need medical care.
This isn’t fair and it’s just not right.
Our laws should not prioritize the profits of big insurance companies over what’s best for patients and families. We need your voice to help stop these bills from becoming law.
The two problematic pieces of legislation are House Bill 2274 and Senate Bill 1289 and they could be voted on in the next few days.
We need your help to stop them. By using this simple form, you can send a message to your local legislator to tell them you oppose House Bill 2274 and Senate Bill 1289. Tell your elected representative that insurance companies shouldn’t restrict patient choice. Thank you.
Take Action to Protect Patient Choice
Right now in Richmond, the General Assembly is considering two bills that would let big insurance companies tell Virginia families which doctors they can and can’t see when they need medical care.
This isn’t fair and it’s just not right.
Our laws should not prioritize the profits of big insurance companies over what’s best for patients and families. We need your voice to help stop these bills from becoming law.
The two problematic pieces of legislation are House Bill 2274 and Senate Bill 1289 and they could be voted on in the next few days.
We need your help to stop them. By using this simple form, you can send a message to your local legislator to tell them you oppose House Bill 2274 and Senate Bill 1289. Tell your elected representative that insurance companies shouldn’t restrict patient choice. Thank you.