
Tell Twitter: Reinstate @ArielElyseGold and Stop targeting peace activists

On August 22, 2021, Twitter suspended the account of CODEPINK National Co-director Ariel Gold, an outspoken feminist advocate for Palestinian rights and an end to U.S. militarism. 

Email and tweet at Twitter to reinstate/unsuspend Ariel’s account and cease its censorship of anti-war advocates for peace. 

For a full explanation of what happened and to sign the petition, click here


Tell Twitter: Reinstate @ArielElyseGold and Stop targeting peace activists

On August 22, 2021, Twitter suspended the account of CODEPINK National Co-director Ariel Gold, an outspoken feminist advocate for Palestinian rights and an end to U.S. militarism. 

Email and tweet at Twitter to reinstate/unsuspend Ariel’s account and cease its censorship of anti-war advocates for peace. 

For a full explanation of what happened and to sign the petition, click here