Don’t Touch Our Taxes: Make Val Therese a Volunteer Station

The residents of Sudbury have spoken. Over 3,000 letters have been sent by you, your friends, your family, and your neighbours to the city’s councillors, telling them what you already know: that volunteer firefighters are the safest and most cost-effective choice for Val Therese, Greater Sudbury Fire Station 16.

But our fight is not over. City council pushed the decision whether Val Therese will be a volunteer firefighter station or a composite station staffed primarily by full-time firefighters until Tuesday, March 9. Council members have heard your pleas, but many are still on the fence about their position.

Changing Val Therese to a station manned by four full-time staff would cost the residents of Sudbury an additional $1.4 million in taxes annually.

Volunteer firefighters undergo the extensive training needed to keep our communities safe. In fact, 19 fire stations in the City of Greater Sudbury are already run exclusively by volunteers and have been offering residents peace of mind for years.

Demand that your city councillors vote for volunteer firefighters at Val Therese and ask that your friends in the community do the same. Use our form at right to get started.

Volunteer Firefighters: The Safe and Effective Choice for Valley East is an initiative of CLAC, an independent, all-Canadian labour union founded on the belief that people, businesses, and work communities flourish when workplaces are based on cooperation and mutual respect.