
The Smile Project - Because Smiles Are Essential

“There comes a point where a man must refuse to answer to his leader if he is also to answer to his conscience.” Ann Tusa, The Nuremberg Trial

There have never been safety studies on the long term use of masks by children. None. Despite recommendations by the CDC and the AAP there have never been studies conducted with children wearing masks all day long. 

That means we are acting under a grand delusion that what we are asking of children in school - learning, concentrating, studying - is effectively possible while their breathing is obstructed. We have also been deluded to believe that this is not physically or mentally harmful to them, in the short or long term. 

No studies have ever been done. 

Yet studies documenting health risks and harm from mask wearing have been done and rates of self harm, overdose, and anxiety in children/teens have increased more than 100% since the mask mandate was put in place.

The decision to mask kids should never be one made by the state. An overriding ethic in LA Children’s Code is that “parents should make the decisions regarding where and with whom the child shall reside, the educational. . .and preventive health care of the child…” Parents make that decision, not the State. 

An overriding ethic of The Nuremberg Code is that the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. Will you continue to allow this violation of the most basic human right to stand?

Human rights are essential. Parental rights are essential. Smiles are essential. 

The Smile Project is uniting parents across Louisiana to remove unsafe and unnecessary mask mandates and restore parental rights. Please see the ACTION PLAN to safely transition adults into a maskless school at  

Send your State Legislators a message today to restore parental rights and remove the mask mandate for children in Louisiana. 


The Smile Project - Because Smiles Are Essential

“There comes a point where a man must refuse to answer to his leader if he is also to answer to his conscience.” Ann Tusa, The Nuremberg Trial

There have never been safety studies on the long term use of masks by children. None. Despite recommendations by the CDC and the AAP there have never been studies conducted with children wearing masks all day long. 

That means we are acting under a grand delusion that what we are asking of children in school - learning, concentrating, studying - is effectively possible while their breathing is obstructed. We have also been deluded to believe that this is not physically or mentally harmful to them, in the short or long term. 

No studies have ever been done. 

Yet studies documenting health risks and harm from mask wearing have been done and rates of self harm, overdose, and anxiety in children/teens have increased more than 100% since the mask mandate was put in place.

The decision to mask kids should never be one made by the state. An overriding ethic in LA Children’s Code is that “parents should make the decisions regarding where and with whom the child shall reside, the educational. . .and preventive health care of the child…” Parents make that decision, not the State. 

An overriding ethic of The Nuremberg Code is that the voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. Will you continue to allow this violation of the most basic human right to stand?

Human rights are essential. Parental rights are essential. Smiles are essential. 

The Smile Project is uniting parents across Louisiana to remove unsafe and unnecessary mask mandates and restore parental rights. Please see the ACTION PLAN to safely transition adults into a maskless school at  

Send your State Legislators a message today to restore parental rights and remove the mask mandate for children in Louisiana.