
Please Take Action to Support HB 1280, SB 8, and HB 547!

Please contact your Texas Representative to SUPPORT HB 1280, SB 8, and HB 547. These bills will be heard and up for a floor vote on Wednesday. Therefore, it is critical that you contact your state representative to advocate for these bills. It takes less than 3 minutes to email your state lawmaker here.

First, our pro-life priorities are HB 1280 and SB 8.

-HB 1280 is the "Human Life Protection Act." This bill would allow Texas to prohibit abortion in the event that the United States Supreme Court overrules, in whole or in part, Roe v. Wade, or issues any other decision that recognizes the authority of the states to prohibit abortion, or in the event that the United States adopts a Constitutional amendment restoring to states the authority to prohibit abortion. The TCCB supports this bill to allow Texas to prohibit abortion to the extent allowed under US Supreme Court precedent.

-SB 8 prohibits a physician from performing an abortion on a pregnant woman if the physician detects a fetal heartbeat. The TCCB supports this bill to protect human life.

Second, our education priority is HB 547. HB 547 bill allows home schooled students the opportunity to participate in University Interscholastic League (UIL) activities. The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops supports this bill to allow families to develop educational and sports activities for their children.

According to the Texas Homeschool Coalition, homeschooling families are not permitted to participate in UIL programs through their public schools, even though homeschool families pay taxes to support UIL programs. Texas students should not be treated as second-class citizens simply for participating in a different educational model than their peers. This bill would fix this critical gap and allow ALL Texas students to participate in these important activities.

Thanks for your advocacy to promote a culture of life and fairness for Texans by supporting HB 1280, SB 8, and HB 547. 

Throughout session, continue to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates!

Please Take Action to Support HB 1280, SB 8, and HB 547!

Please contact your Texas Representative to SUPPORT HB 1280, SB 8, and HB 547. These bills will be heard and up for a floor vote on Wednesday. Therefore, it is critical that you contact your state representative to advocate for these bills. It takes less than 3 minutes to email your state lawmaker here.

First, our pro-life priorities are HB 1280 and SB 8.

-HB 1280 is the "Human Life Protection Act." This bill would allow Texas to prohibit abortion in the event that the United States Supreme Court overrules, in whole or in part, Roe v. Wade, or issues any other decision that recognizes the authority of the states to prohibit abortion, or in the event that the United States adopts a Constitutional amendment restoring to states the authority to prohibit abortion. The TCCB supports this bill to allow Texas to prohibit abortion to the extent allowed under US Supreme Court precedent.

-SB 8 prohibits a physician from performing an abortion on a pregnant woman if the physician detects a fetal heartbeat. The TCCB supports this bill to protect human life.

Second, our education priority is HB 547. HB 547 bill allows home schooled students the opportunity to participate in University Interscholastic League (UIL) activities. The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops supports this bill to allow families to develop educational and sports activities for their children.

According to the Texas Homeschool Coalition, homeschooling families are not permitted to participate in UIL programs through their public schools, even though homeschool families pay taxes to support UIL programs. Texas students should not be treated as second-class citizens simply for participating in a different educational model than their peers. This bill would fix this critical gap and allow ALL Texas students to participate in these important activities.

Thanks for your advocacy to promote a culture of life and fairness for Texans by supporting HB 1280, SB 8, and HB 547. 

Throughout session, continue to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates!