
NO on S.6615- Keep New Yorkers Safe!

If your child was being taken, kidnapped, and pulled into a van by a sex trafficker, would you authorize the use of deadly force to stop them?

Some Bureaucrats and Politicians in Albany would NOT authorize deadly force!

They’re currently working on a law that would make it a crime to use deadly force when trying to arrest a person who has committed murder, forcible rape, forcible criminal sexual acts, or even to stop a kidnapping from happening.

Imagine that your child was being abducted or harmed, and YOUR politicians won’t allow the criminal to be stopped by any means necessary.

Sex trafficking cases are up 70% in 2020, violent crime is on the rise, and we need to PROTECT New Yorkers Now!

We need to stand together across party lines and do all we can to keep our families safe.

From the boroughs of the city to suburbs of upstate New York...PROTECT New Yorkers Now!

Join your friends, neighbors, and the broad coalition of public safety professionals and tell the bureaucrats NO on S.6615.

Please click on the link above to send a message to Albany today and protect New Yorkers now.

#KeepOurChildrenSafe #ProtectNewYork #SaveOurCommunities #SupportPublicSafety #StopKidnapping #StopHumanTrafficking 

Ad paid for by the Police Conference of New York, Inc.

NO on S.6615- Keep New Yorkers Safe!

If your child was being taken, kidnapped, and pulled into a van by a sex trafficker, would you authorize the use of deadly force to stop them?

Some Bureaucrats and Politicians in Albany would NOT authorize deadly force!

They’re currently working on a law that would make it a crime to use deadly force when trying to arrest a person who has committed murder, forcible rape, forcible criminal sexual acts, or even to stop a kidnapping from happening.

Imagine that your child was being abducted or harmed, and YOUR politicians won’t allow the criminal to be stopped by any means necessary.

Sex trafficking cases are up 70% in 2020, violent crime is on the rise, and we need to PROTECT New Yorkers Now!

We need to stand together across party lines and do all we can to keep our families safe.

From the boroughs of the city to suburbs of upstate New York...PROTECT New Yorkers Now!

Join your friends, neighbors, and the broad coalition of public safety professionals and tell the bureaucrats NO on S.6615.

Please click on the link above to send a message to Albany today and protect New Yorkers now.

#KeepOurChildrenSafe #ProtectNewYork #SaveOurCommunities #SupportPublicSafety #StopKidnapping #StopHumanTrafficking 

Ad paid for by the Police Conference of New York, Inc.