Support Comprehensive Sex Education Legislation for LGBT+ Youth!
The Real Education for Healthy Youth Act (REHYA) is a groundbreaking piece of legislation that would, for the first time, establish federal grants for Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE). CSE is medically accurate, complete, age-appropriate, developmentally appropriate, and evidence-informed instruction that is non-shaming, LGBTQ+ inclusive, and culturally sensitive. CSE also includes discussion of consent and healthy relationships.
If this bill were passed, grants could not be used for health education programs that are:
- Deliberately withholding health-promoting or lifesaving information about sexuality-related topics, including HIV;
- Medically inaccurate or have been scientifically shown to be ineffective; promote gender stereotypes; and
- Insensitive and unresponsive to the needs of survivors of sexual abuse or assault, sexually active youth, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth.
Let’s pass this bill! CSE is critical to raising LGBTQ+ youth with the knowledge they need to lead healthy and complete lives. Join us in demanding that Congress pass REYHA today!
Support Comprehensive Sex Education Legislation for LGBT+ Youth!
The Real Education for Healthy Youth Act (REHYA) is a groundbreaking piece of legislation that would, for the first time, establish federal grants for Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE). CSE is medically accurate, complete, age-appropriate, developmentally appropriate, and evidence-informed instruction that is non-shaming, LGBTQ+ inclusive, and culturally sensitive. CSE also includes discussion of consent and healthy relationships.
If this bill were passed, grants could not be used for health education programs that are:
- Deliberately withholding health-promoting or lifesaving information about sexuality-related topics, including HIV;
- Medically inaccurate or have been scientifically shown to be ineffective; promote gender stereotypes; and
- Insensitive and unresponsive to the needs of survivors of sexual abuse or assault, sexually active youth, or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth.
Let’s pass this bill! CSE is critical to raising LGBTQ+ youth with the knowledge they need to lead healthy and complete lives. Join us in demanding that Congress pass REYHA today!