
Reduce Pesticide Consumption by 98% with this Solution

Long before COVID 19, we had a health crisis. Cancer, autism, diabetes, obesity, gut dysbiosis, liver disease, infertility, and mental health disorders have skyrocketed. These issues have been directly linked to toxins, and the predominant source of daily exposure is through our food supply.

A recently published paper by the Heartland Health Research Alliance (HHRA) written by a team led by the HHRA Executive Director Chuck Benbrook draws on multiple state and federal data sources in comparing the dietary risks stemming from pesticide residues in organic vs. conventionally grown foods. The new paper is entitled “Organic Farming Lessens Reliance on Pesticides and Promotes Public Health by Lowering Dietary Risks” and was published by the European journal Agronomy. Benbrook was joined by co-authors Dr. Susan Kegley and Dr. Brian Baker in conducting the research reported in the paper.

The paper concludes that by converting the 1.2% of US cropland used to grow fruits and vegetables to organic production, the nation’s farmers could cut total pesticides dietary risk by a remarkable 98%.

We now have a solution to our health crisis. A 98% reduction of exposure to toxic chemicals would drastically reduce our health issues in America. Studies show that 90% of childhood cancers are from environmental causes such as pesticides. What if a 98% reduction in exposure to toxins in the food consumed daily resulted in just a 50% reduction in cancer and chronic illness? That would mean a savings of at least $1.5 trillion a year. A worthy investment to make.

We can fund these farmers to convert to organic. We can prevent and reduce further loss of our loved ones. In 2020 the US government gave out $50 billion (typically $20 billion) in subsidies to farmers, predominantly growing GMO, synthetic chemically farmed, toxic crops. Requiring that those funds are used to convert to organic in the coming years, even providing additional funds would be a worthy investment to prevent a catastrophe of human life. If we can give 10 trillion in bailouts to businesses and states because of COVID, we can support our farmers with at least 2 trillion to support their efforts to make our country healthier.

We have made it easy to ask your Representatives and Senators to represent the people, not the profits of corporations, and protect the future of our great nation. Take action now to have the 1.2% of American vegetable and fruit cropland converted to organic farming. With one click, you can be a part of creating a safer future!

Full article here.

Thank you!

Reduce Pesticide Consumption by 98% with this Solution

Long before COVID 19, we had a health crisis. Cancer, autism, diabetes, obesity, gut dysbiosis, liver disease, infertility, and mental health disorders have skyrocketed. These issues have been directly linked to toxins, and the predominant source of daily exposure is through our food supply.

A recently published paper by the Heartland Health Research Alliance (HHRA) written by a team led by the HHRA Executive Director Chuck Benbrook draws on multiple state and federal data sources in comparing the dietary risks stemming from pesticide residues in organic vs. conventionally grown foods. The new paper is entitled “Organic Farming Lessens Reliance on Pesticides and Promotes Public Health by Lowering Dietary Risks” and was published by the European journal Agronomy. Benbrook was joined by co-authors Dr. Susan Kegley and Dr. Brian Baker in conducting the research reported in the paper.

The paper concludes that by converting the 1.2% of US cropland used to grow fruits and vegetables to organic production, the nation’s farmers could cut total pesticides dietary risk by a remarkable 98%.

We now have a solution to our health crisis. A 98% reduction of exposure to toxic chemicals would drastically reduce our health issues in America. Studies show that 90% of childhood cancers are from environmental causes such as pesticides. What if a 98% reduction in exposure to toxins in the food consumed daily resulted in just a 50% reduction in cancer and chronic illness? That would mean a savings of at least $1.5 trillion a year. A worthy investment to make.

We can fund these farmers to convert to organic. We can prevent and reduce further loss of our loved ones. In 2020 the US government gave out $50 billion (typically $20 billion) in subsidies to farmers, predominantly growing GMO, synthetic chemically farmed, toxic crops. Requiring that those funds are used to convert to organic in the coming years, even providing additional funds would be a worthy investment to prevent a catastrophe of human life. If we can give 10 trillion in bailouts to businesses and states because of COVID, we can support our farmers with at least 2 trillion to support their efforts to make our country healthier.

We have made it easy to ask your Representatives and Senators to represent the people, not the profits of corporations, and protect the future of our great nation. Take action now to have the 1.2% of American vegetable and fruit cropland converted to organic farming. With one click, you can be a part of creating a safer future!

Full article here.

Thank you!