Time to Transform the Food Supply Starting with Schools
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A recent Rockefeller Foundation report shows that the toxic American food system is costing us over 3 TRILLION dollars, 3 times more than previously thought. The report, True Cost of Food: Measuring What Matters to Transform the U.S. Food System, states, "our food system rings up immense 'hidden costs' from its impact on human health, the environment, and social and economic inequity." The organization evaluated 14 metrics, including air pollution, food insecurity, antimicrobial resistance driven by the widespread use of antibiotics in farming, and greenhouse gas emissions, and found that "externalized costs" amounting to at least $2.1 trillion annually (does not include the 1 trillion in direct costs) are being incurred by consumers, producers, and future generations. Our current GMO agrochemical food system is making us sick, costing us trillions, and threatening the future of life on the planet! We cannot afford to continue in this manner.
In another report, researchers at ZOE, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA., and King’s College London, UK, estimate that nearly a quarter of COVID-19 cases and deaths could have been prevented if these differences in diet quality and socioeconomic status had not existed. COVID shutdowns have cost the US government over 10 Trillion.
“For the first time, we’ve been able to show that a healthier diet can cut the chances of catching COVID-19, especially for people living in the poorest areas,” said Dr. Sarah Berry, study co-lead and associate professor in nutritional sciences at King’s College London.
"Clinicians should be demanding a transformation of our food system," tweeted Dr. Gaurab Basu, co-director of the Center for Health Equity Education and Advocacy. Our food system contributes to severe COVID symptoms and deaths, increasing shutdowns, and economic disasters! We truly cannot afford to allow this to continue to happen. This is a matter of national and global security.
Now is the time for clinicians and business owners, parents, policymakers, farm laborers, and students to demand access to healthy food. Read the full article here.
Inspired by the Major of Bajac, France (movie Food Beware: The French Organic Revolution), who shifted funding from pesticide spraying farmers to schools for organic food, we call for the government to shift funding allocated for GMO agrochemical farming to our schools for organic food. Doing so protects our most vulnerable children and farm laborers from toxic chemicals, supports their health and our future as a nation while creating a larger market for organic food and a demand (guaranteed local buyers) for farmers to make the shift.
Take action and share today. With one click, you can tell your Senators and Representatives to make a common-sense move that will bring an unprecedented transformation of health, safety, and stability to our economy.
Time to Transform the Food Supply Starting with Schools
Watch and share our video summary
A recent Rockefeller Foundation report shows that the toxic American food system is costing us over 3 TRILLION dollars, 3 times more than previously thought. The report, True Cost of Food: Measuring What Matters to Transform the U.S. Food System, states, "our food system rings up immense 'hidden costs' from its impact on human health, the environment, and social and economic inequity." The organization evaluated 14 metrics, including air pollution, food insecurity, antimicrobial resistance driven by the widespread use of antibiotics in farming, and greenhouse gas emissions, and found that "externalized costs" amounting to at least $2.1 trillion annually (does not include the 1 trillion in direct costs) are being incurred by consumers, producers, and future generations. Our current GMO agrochemical food system is making us sick, costing us trillions, and threatening the future of life on the planet! We cannot afford to continue in this manner.
In another report, researchers at ZOE, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA., and King’s College London, UK, estimate that nearly a quarter of COVID-19 cases and deaths could have been prevented if these differences in diet quality and socioeconomic status had not existed. COVID shutdowns have cost the US government over 10 Trillion.
“For the first time, we’ve been able to show that a healthier diet can cut the chances of catching COVID-19, especially for people living in the poorest areas,” said Dr. Sarah Berry, study co-lead and associate professor in nutritional sciences at King’s College London.
"Clinicians should be demanding a transformation of our food system," tweeted Dr. Gaurab Basu, co-director of the Center for Health Equity Education and Advocacy. Our food system contributes to severe COVID symptoms and deaths, increasing shutdowns, and economic disasters! We truly cannot afford to allow this to continue to happen. This is a matter of national and global security.
Now is the time for clinicians and business owners, parents, policymakers, farm laborers, and students to demand access to healthy food. Read the full article here.
Inspired by the Major of Bajac, France (movie Food Beware: The French Organic Revolution), who shifted funding from pesticide spraying farmers to schools for organic food, we call for the government to shift funding allocated for GMO agrochemical farming to our schools for organic food. Doing so protects our most vulnerable children and farm laborers from toxic chemicals, supports their health and our future as a nation while creating a larger market for organic food and a demand (guaranteed local buyers) for farmers to make the shift.
Take action and share today. With one click, you can tell your Senators and Representatives to make a common-sense move that will bring an unprecedented transformation of health, safety, and stability to our economy.