Support H.R. 3860 to End Tyrannical Military Vaccine Mandate
URGENT: There is currently a discharge petition (Discharge Petition No. 8) for H.R. 3860 (Rep. Massie's bill to end Biden's tyrannical vaccine mandate for members of the military). If 218 U.S. representatives sign this petition, the House will vote on this bill over Nancy Pelosi’s obstruction. This couldn’t come at a more important time. The Army’s vaccine mandate deadline is December 15, while the National Guard, Army Reserve, and Air Reserve units must be fully vaccinated by June 30, 2022. Furthermore, the Pentagon is in “active discussions” about mandating the “booster” shot to all service members. Tell your U.S. representative to sign Discharge Petition No. 8, and tell both them and your two senators to support H.R. 3860!
Members of Congress have introduced legislation to end the U.S. Armed Forces’ tyrannical and senseless vaccine mandate for service members.
Since COVID-19 spread to the U.S., there has been a full-on assault on both our country and our God-given freedoms, with totalitarian actions such as lockdowns, forced church and business closures, mask and vaccine mandates, and more. The Marxist Left won’t end this assault until they have total control over all humanity. Accordingly, their crusade extends to the U.S. Armed Forces.
In early August, the Department of Defense announced it would mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for all U.S. service members, following up with a more detailed order that every branch quickly implemented. Soldiers and sailors who decline the shot could lose all their benefits, and the Biden administration is pushing for them to be dishonorably discharged. Some have even been threatened with being court martialed if they refuse to take the jab. Specifically in the Air Force, about 7,000 servicemembers have declined to be injected by the shot, and many thousands more got it against their will. Meanwhile, 40 Air Force recruits have already been ejected for declining the shot.
According to service members themselves, not only is the Biden administration taking an unscientific and senseless “vax everyone at all costs position,” but it is disregarding exemption requests for medical and religious reasons. Nearly 10,000 service members have requested religious exemptions, but not a single one has been approved. According to service members, many members will be driven out because of the mandate; it could also hamper recruitment. Other law enforcement agencies, such as the U.S. Border Patrol, are experiencing the same consequences, creating a dire threat to U.S. national security.
Furthermore, as Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, a senior U.S. Army aerospace medicine specialist, testified to the U.S. Senate, the COVID jab poses a greater threat to soldiers’ health and military readiness than the virus itself.
In response, U.S. Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) introduced H.R. 3860. In addition to Rep. Massie’s sponsorship, it is cosponsored by 52 representatives. Every single member of the House of Representatives, especially those who claim to support our troops, ought to be a co-sponsor of this bill without exceptions!
If passed, H.R. 3860 would prohibit the Pentagon from mandating vaccines for service members. Specifically, it would accomplish this in two ways: by prohibiting the use of funds to mandate COVID vaccinations, and by prohibiting “any adverse action against” those who decline the vaccine.
H.R. 3860 defines “adverse action” as:
(A) Retaliation.
(B) Punishment.
(C) Disparate treatment.
(D) A requirement to wear a mask.
(E) A requirement to reside in substandard housing.
In other words, the bill effectively prevents the subjugation of service members to vaccination mandates.
If we are to stop the imposition of a biomedical security state, patriots must take immediate and organized action. Tell your U.S. representative and senators to forcefully oppose the Pentagon’s vaccine mandate, every other mandate, and all forms of medical tyranny. Again, tell your U.S. representative to sign Discharge Petition No. 8, and tell both them and your two U.S. senators to support H.R. 3860!
Support H.R. 3860 to End Tyrannical Military Vaccine Mandate
URGENT: There is currently a discharge petition (Discharge Petition No. 8) for H.R. 3860 (Rep. Massie's bill to end Biden's tyrannical vaccine mandate for members of the military). If 218 U.S. representatives sign this petition, the House will vote on this bill over Nancy Pelosi’s obstruction. This couldn’t come at a more important time. The Army’s vaccine mandate deadline is December 15, while the National Guard, Army Reserve, and Air Reserve units must be fully vaccinated by June 30, 2022. Furthermore, the Pentagon is in “active discussions” about mandating the “booster” shot to all service members. Tell your U.S. representative to sign Discharge Petition No. 8, and tell both them and your two senators to support H.R. 3860!
Members of Congress have introduced legislation to end the U.S. Armed Forces’ tyrannical and senseless vaccine mandate for service members.
Since COVID-19 spread to the U.S., there has been a full-on assault on both our country and our God-given freedoms, with totalitarian actions such as lockdowns, forced church and business closures, mask and vaccine mandates, and more. The Marxist Left won’t end this assault until they have total control over all humanity. Accordingly, their crusade extends to the U.S. Armed Forces.
In early August, the Department of Defense announced it would mandate the COVID-19 vaccine for all U.S. service members, following up with a more detailed order that every branch quickly implemented. Soldiers and sailors who decline the shot could lose all their benefits, and the Biden administration is pushing for them to be dishonorably discharged. Some have even been threatened with being court martialed if they refuse to take the jab. Specifically in the Air Force, about 7,000 servicemembers have declined to be injected by the shot, and many thousands more got it against their will. Meanwhile, 40 Air Force recruits have already been ejected for declining the shot.
According to service members themselves, not only is the Biden administration taking an unscientific and senseless “vax everyone at all costs position,” but it is disregarding exemption requests for medical and religious reasons. Nearly 10,000 service members have requested religious exemptions, but not a single one has been approved. According to service members, many members will be driven out because of the mandate; it could also hamper recruitment. Other law enforcement agencies, such as the U.S. Border Patrol, are experiencing the same consequences, creating a dire threat to U.S. national security.
Furthermore, as Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, a senior U.S. Army aerospace medicine specialist, testified to the U.S. Senate, the COVID jab poses a greater threat to soldiers’ health and military readiness than the virus itself.
In response, U.S. Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) introduced H.R. 3860. In addition to Rep. Massie’s sponsorship, it is cosponsored by 52 representatives. Every single member of the House of Representatives, especially those who claim to support our troops, ought to be a co-sponsor of this bill without exceptions!
If passed, H.R. 3860 would prohibit the Pentagon from mandating vaccines for service members. Specifically, it would accomplish this in two ways: by prohibiting the use of funds to mandate COVID vaccinations, and by prohibiting “any adverse action against” those who decline the vaccine.
H.R. 3860 defines “adverse action” as:
(A) Retaliation.
(B) Punishment.
(C) Disparate treatment.
(D) A requirement to wear a mask.
(E) A requirement to reside in substandard housing.
In other words, the bill effectively prevents the subjugation of service members to vaccination mandates.
If we are to stop the imposition of a biomedical security state, patriots must take immediate and organized action. Tell your U.S. representative and senators to forcefully oppose the Pentagon’s vaccine mandate, every other mandate, and all forms of medical tyranny. Again, tell your U.S. representative to sign Discharge Petition No. 8, and tell both them and your two U.S. senators to support H.R. 3860!