Help Pass Constitutional Carry!
Constitutional Carry is already law in nearly half of America and is on the move in a half-dozen other states.
And in the Pennsylvania Senate, there are more co-sponsors on Sen. Cris Dush's SB565 than any Constitutional Carry bill in Pennsylvania Senate history!
But now that SB565 has been placed on the calendar, it is ready to rock and roll on the Senate floor.
We've got to keep on our State Senators to bring the bill up for a vote and HAMMER IT OUT!
So please email your State Senator and INSIST that they support SB565 and call for a full vote on the floor of the Senate right away!
Help Pass Constitutional Carry!
Constitutional Carry is already law in nearly half of America and is on the move in a half-dozen other states.
And in the Pennsylvania Senate, there are more co-sponsors on Sen. Cris Dush's SB565 than any Constitutional Carry bill in Pennsylvania Senate history!
But now that SB565 has been placed on the calendar, it is ready to rock and roll on the Senate floor.
We've got to keep on our State Senators to bring the bill up for a vote and HAMMER IT OUT!
So please email your State Senator and INSIST that they support SB565 and call for a full vote on the floor of the Senate right away!