Congress, EPA and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and National Marine Fisheries Service must protect insects, wildlife and marinelife must BAN Glyphosate, Atrazine, and Simazine NOW!
The Supreme Court just ordered the EPA to make a final decision to approve or deny the license of glyphosate by Oct 1, 2022. We have less than 4 months to insist that the EPA takes this crucial action. Life on the planet depends on it. The future of America depends on it. Glyphosate has been proven to cause cancer, neurotoxicity (mental illness, ie: violent behavior), birth defects, liver and kidney disease, and damage to sperm. Glyphosate is killing us.
Atrazine and Simazine cause reproductive damage as well and are up for review at the same time.
In December of 2020, the EPA found glyphosate herbicides caused Likely Adverse Effects (LAA) for 93% of species and 97% of critical habitats- 1,676 species and 759 crucial habitats.
The EPA finalized its biological evaluations on glyphosate, atrazine, and simazine, finding all three herbicides are "likely to adversely affect" certain species listed under the Endangered Species Act and their "designated critical habitats."
These three chemicals are the first to go through the process under the Endangered Species Act in 1973 by President Richard Nixon. Yes, it has taken 48 years for glyphosate and these chemicals to be reviewed for their impact on our wildlife. Incredible.
Meanwhile, during the last 50 years, 70% of our animal population has died.
Over 50% of Americans have a chronic illness, cancer, and fertility issues are skyrocketing. 1 in 5 has mental illness, many are violent and mass shootings are increasing.
Much of the animal and marine life's primary food source, insects, are threatened with extinction. 40%, to be exact, of our insect population, are in jeopardy, and 75 of the top 115 global food crops depend on insect pollination.
The next step is that Congress, the EPA, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and National Marine Fisheries Service staff will develop their own opinion on the EPA's biological findings. If the agencies find that these chemicals put an endangered species or critical habitat in "jeopardy," they will work with EPA to "propose additional protections," the agency said. That could come in the form of new labels and use restrictions on these three chemicals.
Moms Across America calls for significant change now, not just a label change or restrictions.
We ask for Congress to insist that EPA and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and National Marine Fisheries Service bans the use of glyphosate, atrazine, and simazine herbicides now, not to merely relabel or restrict its continued use. Life on Earth simply cannot afford to allow the use of these harmful chemicals.
Here are a few reasons why.
1. Glyphosate residues and its toxic chemical breakdown AMPA has been found 20+ years later in the soil.
2. Glyphosate residues runoff from agricultural, landscaped, and utility area soil sprayed soil into waterways, endangering marine life.
3. Glyphosate residues attach to evaporating particles in water and later come down as rain, thousands of miles away, in nature preserves and areas where endangered species struggle to survive.
4. Extremely low levels of glyphosate herbicides have been found to cause endocrine disruption to insects, wildlife, and marine life. Therefore only a complete ban on the use of this herbicide will eventually be effective in reducing harm to endangered species.
5. New labeling and restrictions will not prevent exposure or harm to endangered species.
6. Atrazine and Simazine have both been found to impact the reproductive organs of aquatic life and to be toxic to wildlife and insects, which are essential for life on the planet, including our own.
We urge you to tell Congress the EPA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and National Marine Fisheries Service to BAN glyphosate, atrazine, and simazine from use.
Thank you for your partnership in creating healthy environments!
Congress, EPA and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and National Marine Fisheries Service must protect insects, wildlife and marinelife must BAN Glyphosate, Atrazine, and Simazine NOW!
The Supreme Court just ordered the EPA to make a final decision to approve or deny the license of glyphosate by Oct 1, 2022. We have less than 4 months to insist that the EPA takes this crucial action. Life on the planet depends on it. The future of America depends on it. Glyphosate has been proven to cause cancer, neurotoxicity (mental illness, ie: violent behavior), birth defects, liver and kidney disease, and damage to sperm. Glyphosate is killing us.
Atrazine and Simazine cause reproductive damage as well and are up for review at the same time.
In December of 2020, the EPA found glyphosate herbicides caused Likely Adverse Effects (LAA) for 93% of species and 97% of critical habitats- 1,676 species and 759 crucial habitats.
The EPA finalized its biological evaluations on glyphosate, atrazine, and simazine, finding all three herbicides are "likely to adversely affect" certain species listed under the Endangered Species Act and their "designated critical habitats."
These three chemicals are the first to go through the process under the Endangered Species Act in 1973 by President Richard Nixon. Yes, it has taken 48 years for glyphosate and these chemicals to be reviewed for their impact on our wildlife. Incredible.
Meanwhile, during the last 50 years, 70% of our animal population has died.
Over 50% of Americans have a chronic illness, cancer, and fertility issues are skyrocketing. 1 in 5 has mental illness, many are violent and mass shootings are increasing.
Much of the animal and marine life's primary food source, insects, are threatened with extinction. 40%, to be exact, of our insect population, are in jeopardy, and 75 of the top 115 global food crops depend on insect pollination.
The next step is that Congress, the EPA, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and National Marine Fisheries Service staff will develop their own opinion on the EPA's biological findings. If the agencies find that these chemicals put an endangered species or critical habitat in "jeopardy," they will work with EPA to "propose additional protections," the agency said. That could come in the form of new labels and use restrictions on these three chemicals.
Moms Across America calls for significant change now, not just a label change or restrictions.
We ask for Congress to insist that EPA and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and National Marine Fisheries Service bans the use of glyphosate, atrazine, and simazine herbicides now, not to merely relabel or restrict its continued use. Life on Earth simply cannot afford to allow the use of these harmful chemicals.
Here are a few reasons why.
1. Glyphosate residues and its toxic chemical breakdown AMPA has been found 20+ years later in the soil.
2. Glyphosate residues runoff from agricultural, landscaped, and utility area soil sprayed soil into waterways, endangering marine life.
3. Glyphosate residues attach to evaporating particles in water and later come down as rain, thousands of miles away, in nature preserves and areas where endangered species struggle to survive.
4. Extremely low levels of glyphosate herbicides have been found to cause endocrine disruption to insects, wildlife, and marine life. Therefore only a complete ban on the use of this herbicide will eventually be effective in reducing harm to endangered species.
5. New labeling and restrictions will not prevent exposure or harm to endangered species.
6. Atrazine and Simazine have both been found to impact the reproductive organs of aquatic life and to be toxic to wildlife and insects, which are essential for life on the planet, including our own.
We urge you to tell Congress the EPA and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services and National Marine Fisheries Service to BAN glyphosate, atrazine, and simazine from use.
Thank you for your partnership in creating healthy environments!