Pass SAPA Law Out Of Committee!

While Joe Biden can’t get the 60 votes he needs to pass gun control through the Senate right now, that’s not stopping him from issuing Executive Orders attacking the Second Amendment! The first of these orders just recently took effect!

That’s why the Iowa House Public Safety Committee needs to pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act which would require Iowa cops to enforce Iowa laws when it comes to firearms, ammunition, and accessories -- effectively nullifying Biden’s war on gun owners in our state.

SAPA is sweeping the country right now and was signed into law in Missouri just law year. What’s more, because the Supreme Court has always upheld a state’s right to refuse to enforce federal laws they disagree with, Missouri’s SAPA law has already survived its court challenge!

But the moderates in Des Moines hate SAPA while others in the legislature don’t want to pass it because they think that they’ve ‘done enough’ for gun owners for the time being. Don’t let them get away with this!

Send this PRE-WRITTEN EMAIL to the House Public Safety Committee using our automated system and insist that they pass SAPA law out of committee!

Once you’ve done that, take the next step and become a member of Iowa Gun Owners so that we can keep fighting for you in Des Moines and in D.C.! You can get involved at!