MD: Ask Governor Hogan to sign HB 837 into law!
After you type in your contact info, a sample call script will appear for you to use. If you call during normal business hours, your call will likely be answered by a legislative staffer.
1. Be respectful.
2. Be succinct. Please be respectful of staffers’ time by getting right to the point. Check out our sample script and talking points for ideas.
3. Be clear. Make sure they know why you’re calling and what you want them to do.
MD: Ask Governor Hogan to sign HB 837 into law!
After you type in your contact info, a sample call script will appear for you to use. If you call during normal business hours, your call will likely be answered by a legislative staffer.
1. Be respectful.
2. Be succinct. Please be respectful of staffers’ time by getting right to the point. Check out our sample script and talking points for ideas.
3. Be clear. Make sure they know why you’re calling and what you want them to do.