Oppose warrantless arrest in NH hospitals

SB 459, which was passed by the NH Senate and recently recommended "ought to pass" (OTP) by the House HHS committee, purports to be about "workplace safety," but instead would just reinforce an atmosphere of no tolerance for dissent in NH hospitals.

Please email your reps to oppose this bill. Points you may wish to make:

  • The opinions of medical professionals are not infallible, but this would enshrine them in law as such – allowing citizens to be arrested without a warrant if a health professional feels "threatened" or if someone seeks to interfere with their recommended health care treatment.
  • NH citizens deserve due process, which must include a warrant. 
  • We have seen in the past 2 years that many hospitals are operating in a way that does not abide by the desires (or sometimes even the consent!) of the patient, and this would only make the atmosphere in hospitals worse for patients. 
  • This would remove even more power from patients and their medical proxies and concentrate it into the hands of doctors and hospital administrators.