CAC Draft Scoping Plan Comments on TRANSPORTATION

We Need to Tell the Climate Action Council that a one-size fits all strategy for zero emissions for medium and heavy-duty equipment will cripple the supply lines from the forests to mill.  This isn’t just difficult for our sector, but it is impossible. The current infrastructure cannot support such regulations.

THIS IS THE 6th LETTER IN OUR CLCPA ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN! We need each and every member to speak up EVERY WEEK.

The Climate Action Council (CAC) is proposing the adoption of zero emission vehicles (ZEV) for all trucks, busses, and non-road equipment. As it currently is written, the draft scoping plan does not acknowledge the lack of any ZEV technology for medium and heavy-duty vehicles which are essential in many sectors, including forestry, across the state.

This will require the rural market of farm and forest transports and long-haul transports to have viable low carbon fuel alternatives that are currently not even mentioned in the draft scoping document.   We support the establishment of a clean fuel standard for New York, which would be designed to foster investment, facilitate transition, and provide a range of technology alternatives in the clean fuel economy, including renewable liquid fuels for difficult to decarbonize transportation sectors.  WE NEED TO TELL THEM!  


Tell our leaders and decision makers that the New York forestry community practices sustainable forestry, taking care of the land so that it provide all the benefits society relies upon for generations to come.   Describe the very real the land use pressures on your ownership if regulations are tightened even more. 

We need to do this for ourselves!