Call to Action: Send Councilors an email asking them to STOP the process of expanding homeless camps.

There are two important issues expected to be voted upon Monday, August 15, at the Albuquerque City Council meeting beginning at 5pm:

1) R-22-56, a resolution sponsored by Councilor Bassan to establish a moratorium against allowing Safe Outdoor Spaces, that is, the implementation of more homeless camps for one year. This is urgent because there has already been an application submitted for a Safe Outdoor Space and this resolution aims to put a STOP to further applications.

2) O-22-33, an ordinance sponsored by Councilor Bassan to repeal the Safe Outdoor Spaces language from the current IDO that passed June 2022. 

Please use the form to the right and send an email to all City Councilors urging them to STOP the process of expanding homeless camps and vote YES on R-22-56 and O-22-33.

Homelessness and addiction are difficult issues. So is the increased crime that is associated with current homeless camps. Tell Councilors to stop expansion of any sanctioned city camping until there is a realistic plan to actually help those in need while protecting all Albuerque residents.