Tell the Senate to stop Bill C-11!
Like many Canadians, we are concerned that Bill C-11 was rushed through proper Parliamentary review and debate, amounting to a clear betrayal of our democratic norms and responsibilities.
Simply put, in its present form, C-11 is not fit for Senate approval. And it never should have made it out of the House of Commons.
And when even the Chair of the CRTC admits that C-11 can be used to pressure internet platforms into manipulating their algorithms, something is very much rotten in the state of Denmark.
Canadians did not ask for this. Industry leaders outside of legacy media did not ask for this. Content creators and everyday users certainly did not ask for this.
This is a terrible, unconscionable act of government overreach. The time to take action is NOW.
Tell the Senate to stop Bill C-11!
Like many Canadians, we are concerned that Bill C-11 was rushed through proper Parliamentary review and debate, amounting to a clear betrayal of our democratic norms and responsibilities.
Simply put, in its present form, C-11 is not fit for Senate approval. And it never should have made it out of the House of Commons.
And when even the Chair of the CRTC admits that C-11 can be used to pressure internet platforms into manipulating their algorithms, something is very much rotten in the state of Denmark.
Canadians did not ask for this. Industry leaders outside of legacy media did not ask for this. Content creators and everyday users certainly did not ask for this.
This is a terrible, unconscionable act of government overreach. The time to take action is NOW.