Tell Congress You Want to Know Where Your Beef is From
You deserve affordable beef and to know where your beef is from. Today, when foreign beef enters our country, a United States food safety inspection sticker is placed on the package. And worse, importers are allowed to put a “Product of U.S.A.” label on their package even though it is exclusively a foreign product.
You are being deceived by the mislabeled foreign beef, and the U.S. inspection sticker may lead you to believe it must be a U.S. product, even though it is not. America’s cattle farmers and ranchers are also being hurt because you can’t choose to support them by buying beef that is born, raised, and harvested in the United States.
Help to end the deception over beef labeling for you and America’s cattle farmers and ranchers by telling Congress to cosponsor the American Beef Labeling Act, which requires all beef sold in grocery stores to be accurately labeled as to where the animal was born, raised, and harvested. Only a mandatory country of origin labeling law will put an end to deceptive labels.
The American Beef Labeling Act is a bipartisan bill in both the Senate and the House. The Senate version is S.2716 and the House version is H.R.7291.
Tell Congress You Want to Know Where Your Beef is From
You deserve affordable beef and to know where your beef is from. Today, when foreign beef enters our country, a United States food safety inspection sticker is placed on the package. And worse, importers are allowed to put a “Product of U.S.A.” label on their package even though it is exclusively a foreign product.
You are being deceived by the mislabeled foreign beef, and the U.S. inspection sticker may lead you to believe it must be a U.S. product, even though it is not. America’s cattle farmers and ranchers are also being hurt because you can’t choose to support them by buying beef that is born, raised, and harvested in the United States.
Help to end the deception over beef labeling for you and America’s cattle farmers and ranchers by telling Congress to cosponsor the American Beef Labeling Act, which requires all beef sold in grocery stores to be accurately labeled as to where the animal was born, raised, and harvested. Only a mandatory country of origin labeling law will put an end to deceptive labels.
The American Beef Labeling Act is a bipartisan bill in both the Senate and the House. The Senate version is S.2716 and the House version is H.R.7291.