
Take Action to Support Children and Families

Currently, in Illinois when a noncustodial parent pays child support the money is “recouped” by the state while a small fraction of that is provided to the family. This is a vestige of The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 where states were provided significant latitude in collection and retainment of child support for families who receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), cash assistance.

Each year noncustodial parents are collectively paying amounts averaging between 30-50 million dollars in child support that the government keeps, providing the families with $2-3 million of those dollars collected, pennies on the dollar. On average for every dollar a noncustodial parent pays in child support only 14 cents is provided to their child while the state and the federal government shares the bulk of the money. These families are the poorest of the poor here in Illinois.

We can change this in Illinois with your support!

Take Action to Support Children and Families

Currently, in Illinois when a noncustodial parent pays child support the money is “recouped” by the state while a small fraction of that is provided to the family. This is a vestige of The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 where states were provided significant latitude in collection and retainment of child support for families who receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), cash assistance.

Each year noncustodial parents are collectively paying amounts averaging between 30-50 million dollars in child support that the government keeps, providing the families with $2-3 million of those dollars collected, pennies on the dollar. On average for every dollar a noncustodial parent pays in child support only 14 cents is provided to their child while the state and the federal government shares the bulk of the money. These families are the poorest of the poor here in Illinois.

We can change this in Illinois with your support!