Support Real School Choice for Every Child in Ohio!
At the beginning of session, 21 RINO turncoats in the House BETRAYED CONSERVATIVES and helped the Teacher Unions install their puppet Jason Stephens as Speaker of the House. Speaker Stephens made promises to radical leftist Democrats to kill educational freedom in 2023 so he could become Speaker!
School Choice means that students' education dollars are controlled by their parents and guardians whether they choose to attend public school, private school, or home school.
Send your message today to tell your legislators to fund students, not systems, and PASS statewide school choice legislation. All Ohio families should have the freedom to decide the best fit for their child's education!
Paid for by Parents Alliance of Ohio.
Support Real School Choice for Every Child in Ohio!
At the beginning of session, 21 RINO turncoats in the House BETRAYED CONSERVATIVES and helped the Teacher Unions install their puppet Jason Stephens as Speaker of the House. Speaker Stephens made promises to radical leftist Democrats to kill educational freedom in 2023 so he could become Speaker!
School Choice means that students' education dollars are controlled by their parents and guardians whether they choose to attend public school, private school, or home school.
Send your message today to tell your legislators to fund students, not systems, and PASS statewide school choice legislation. All Ohio families should have the freedom to decide the best fit for their child's education!
Paid for by Parents Alliance of Ohio.