
Small Biz Health Reform: Pass HB 6710

Rising costs and limited options are making it harder for small businesses to offer their employees quality, affordable healthcare plans. The small group market is simply not working for many small businesses across the state.

House Bill 6710 offers a path forward.

If passed, HB 6710 allows trade associations, chambers of commerce, and other qualifying member groups to bundle their membership and purchase health insurance at a more cost-effective rate and offer employees similar health insurance plans as large employers.

Key language in the bill will ensure that these health plans offer comprehensive benefits, are subject to extensive Insurance Department oversight, and comply with existing ACA consumer protections (ex, no preexisting condition exclusions; annual and lifetime caps; no cost share on preventive care; compliance with state and federal health benefit mandates).

HB 6710 was favorably reported out of the Insurance & Real Estate Committee on an overwhelmingly bipartisan 9 to 3 vote and is cosponsored by legislators from both sides of the aisle. Please be part of this bipartisan effort to deliver higher quality, more affordable health insurance coverage for Connecticut businesses and their employees.

In just a few quick steps your voice can be heard by your representatives! 

Small Biz Health Reform: Pass HB 6710

Rising costs and limited options are making it harder for small businesses to offer their employees quality, affordable healthcare plans. The small group market is simply not working for many small businesses across the state.

House Bill 6710 offers a path forward.

If passed, HB 6710 allows trade associations, chambers of commerce, and other qualifying member groups to bundle their membership and purchase health insurance at a more cost-effective rate and offer employees similar health insurance plans as large employers.

Key language in the bill will ensure that these health plans offer comprehensive benefits, are subject to extensive Insurance Department oversight, and comply with existing ACA consumer protections (ex, no preexisting condition exclusions; annual and lifetime caps; no cost share on preventive care; compliance with state and federal health benefit mandates).

HB 6710 was favorably reported out of the Insurance & Real Estate Committee on an overwhelmingly bipartisan 9 to 3 vote and is cosponsored by legislators from both sides of the aisle. Please be part of this bipartisan effort to deliver higher quality, more affordable health insurance coverage for Connecticut businesses and their employees.

In just a few quick steps your voice can be heard by your representatives!