APFA Call to Action - Assault Doesn't Fly

The Protection from Abusive Passengers Act (H.R. 2394/S. 1058) would provide another important tool to crack down on offenders convicted of physical or sexual assault or intimidation of the flight crew or fellow passengers aboard an aircraft or at the airport. Under the proposed legislation, TSA would create and manage a program that bars passengers who are fined or convicted of physical assault or intimidation and abuse from flying on commercial aircraft. The bipartisan proposal ensures fairness, process transparency, and due process - notice will be provided to banned individuals and there will be set guidelines for appeal and removal from the list. The bill also provides TSA flexibility in determining how long the individual may be barred from flying based on the severity of the offense.

APFA members and allies, we are calling on you to take action. Call your U.S. Representative and two U.S. Senators and urge them to co-sponsor the Protection from Abusive Passengers Act. 

Assault doesn't fly! TAKE ACTION TODAY!

This is a sample script. Feel free to add your own personal story about any disruptive passenger experience you've witnessed:

I am writing to you as a constituent and a Flight Attendant. My colleagues and I have become far too familiar with disruptive and even abusive behavior from passengers. It’s time to take action to STOP disruptive behavior at our airports and on our planes. The Protection from Abusive Passengers Act (H.R. 2394/S. 1058) will serve as a strong deterrent against bad behavior and is needed to improve the safety of both Flight Attendants and passengers. It will also minimize disruptions to the national aviation system and restore confidence in air travel. Please co-sponsor the Protection from Abusive Passengers Act today.