
Tell State Lawmakers to Vote NO on Unemployment Benefits for Striking Workers!

Labor advocates are working hard to pass SB 938, which provides unemployment benefits to workers out on strike—and a vote in the Senate is expected in the coming days!

Connecticut’s Unemployment Trust Fund is exclusively funded by employers and intended for workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own.

Under current law, there are three requirements for an unemployed worker to receive benefits:

  1. Unemployed through no fault of their own: A strike is the exact opposite of that—it is a choice made by workers who have not lost their jobs!
  2. Actively looking for work: Striking workers are not actively seeking employment. 
  3. Available for work: If employees are picketing their workplace, they are not available for work.

Strikes are damaging for both employees and employers. SB 938 shifts all the financial burden of a strike to employers.

If SB 938 is enacted:

  • A strike will financially impact you not just during the strike, but will cause your unemployment taxes to skyrocket.
  • It will negatively impact the state’s troubled unemployment trust fund— which borrowed more than $1 billion from the federal government during the pandemic. 
  • Workers will be encouraged to strike more frequently, given they share none of the financial consequences.

In just a few quick steps, you can tell your lawmakers to vote NO on SB 938!


Tell State Lawmakers to Vote NO on Unemployment Benefits for Striking Workers!

Labor advocates are working hard to pass SB 938, which provides unemployment benefits to workers out on strike—and a vote in the Senate is expected in the coming days!

Connecticut’s Unemployment Trust Fund is exclusively funded by employers and intended for workers who become unemployed through no fault of their own.

Under current law, there are three requirements for an unemployed worker to receive benefits:

  1. Unemployed through no fault of their own: A strike is the exact opposite of that—it is a choice made by workers who have not lost their jobs!
  2. Actively looking for work: Striking workers are not actively seeking employment. 
  3. Available for work: If employees are picketing their workplace, they are not available for work.

Strikes are damaging for both employees and employers. SB 938 shifts all the financial burden of a strike to employers.

If SB 938 is enacted:

  • A strike will financially impact you not just during the strike, but will cause your unemployment taxes to skyrocket.
  • It will negatively impact the state’s troubled unemployment trust fund— which borrowed more than $1 billion from the federal government during the pandemic. 
  • Workers will be encouraged to strike more frequently, given they share none of the financial consequences.

In just a few quick steps, you can tell your lawmakers to vote NO on SB 938!