Chino Valley School District

The Los Angeles LGBT Center Applauds Att. General Rob Bonta’s Support of California’s LGBTQ+ Youth
The state has spoken and they are protecting trans students. California is suing Chino Valley School District for their forced outing policy which targets trans youth. We support the LGBTQ+ students who have been in the middle of this contentious school board battle fueled by misinformation and hatred. Attorney General Rob Banta’s announcement on 8/28 to sue Chino Valley School district is a public step that supports LGBTQ+ students rights. 

We urge the Chino Valley school board to:
- support trans students with bathroom rights and sports access
- include inclusive and diverse curriculum in their schools
- reject forced outing policies
- allow gender-affirming care for trans and nonbinary students 

If you want to support this decision and share your voice with the Chino Valley School district, use the email form below.