
Oppose Senate Bill 1116

Senate Bill 1116 (Portantino) aims to give striking workers the ability to claim unemployment after two weeks of striking. This would require employers to pay unemployment insurace (UI) to striking workers, essentially forcing employers to subsidize striking workers, even if those workers or labor strikes had nothing to do with the employer.

This bill would not only fundmanetally change the way workers qualify for UI payments, but would also increase costs for employers. By forcing employers to pay UI payments to striking workers, SB 1116 would raise taxes on employers across California, even when the employer played no role in the strike. 

Additionally, California is facing a budget deficit in the coming years, and the state is already looking at an outstanding $18 billion in federal loans. This bill would increase the state's Unimployment Insurance debt along with increasing the State's federal debt. 

SB 1116 is a profound departure from UI’s history, and a significant tax increase on California’s employers, including those who have no involvement in any labor disputes. 

Oppose Senate Bill 1116

Senate Bill 1116 (Portantino) aims to give striking workers the ability to claim unemployment after two weeks of striking. This would require employers to pay unemployment insurace (UI) to striking workers, essentially forcing employers to subsidize striking workers, even if those workers or labor strikes had nothing to do with the employer.

This bill would not only fundmanetally change the way workers qualify for UI payments, but would also increase costs for employers. By forcing employers to pay UI payments to striking workers, SB 1116 would raise taxes on employers across California, even when the employer played no role in the strike. 

Additionally, California is facing a budget deficit in the coming years, and the state is already looking at an outstanding $18 billion in federal loans. This bill would increase the state's Unimployment Insurance debt along with increasing the State's federal debt. 

SB 1116 is a profound departure from UI’s history, and a significant tax increase on California’s employers, including those who have no involvement in any labor disputes.