APFA Members - Call to Action!


A Call for Fairness and Respect in Our Negotiations

To Lucretia Guia - Senior Vice President of Labor Relations and Deputy General Counsel,

As a Flight Attendant for American Airlines, I'm compelled to voice my deep frustration and urgent demands.

We've hit a critical point in negotiations, stonewalled by this management's blatant disregard for the harsh economic climate we're enduring and the sheer lack of acknowledgment for our substantial contributions. The Union's Negotiating Committee has tirelessly presented fair and sensible proposals, yet your team's failure to respond to these pivotal issues is unacceptable.

We, as Flight Attendants, aren't mere employees; we're the embodiment of American Airlines, representing the company to thousands of passengers daily. Our significant role, especially during the trying times of the pandemic, has been crucial in upholding American Airlines' reputation, operational efficiency, and its financial success.

These aren't just work rules to us; they're the foundation of our livelihoods. Each month, we grapple with harrowing choices: paying our rent, feeding our families, or affording necessary transportation. We demand better rest, greater flexibility, and the ability to retire with the respect and dignity our career deserves.

This isn’t a request; I expect the management team will approach our next negotiations session with genuine solutions that fully recognize and honor the value of our work.

We Are Ready! For a contract we have earned and deserve.