
Support AB 2254 (Rubio) for Fair Charter School Evaluation

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Join us in supporting AB 2254 to preserve the ability of charter public schools to use the best information to demonstrate student achievement and improved outcomes. This bill will give decision-makers access to a complete performance data set to make better decisions about a charter's future. With AB 2254, school administrators can use evidence-based academic metrics to measure scholastic performance effectively and demonstrate their school's impact on the community. 

AB 2254 will allow charters to continue using supplemental assessment data alongside the CA School Dashboard, ensuring a comprehensive performance assessment for charter schools.

Your support for fair evaluations matters! Email your Assemblymember and urge them to vote for AB 2254. Let's ensure all students have access to quality education.

Support AB 2254 (Rubio) for Fair Charter School Evaluation

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Join us in supporting AB 2254 to preserve the ability of charter public schools to use the best information to demonstrate student achievement and improved outcomes. This bill will give decision-makers access to a complete performance data set to make better decisions about a charter's future. With AB 2254, school administrators can use evidence-based academic metrics to measure scholastic performance effectively and demonstrate their school's impact on the community. 

AB 2254 will allow charters to continue using supplemental assessment data alongside the CA School Dashboard, ensuring a comprehensive performance assessment for charter schools.

Your support for fair evaluations matters! Email your Assemblymember and urge them to vote for AB 2254. Let's ensure all students have access to quality education.