"Exit UN/WHO!" Now Parliament Must Act! We, The People, Have Spoken.

Disposition of e-petition 4623 - Canada Exit UN / WHO

Parliamentary procedure has been used to bury our voice.

MP Leslyn Lewis presented e-petition 4623 (Canada exit UN/WHO) to the House of Commons on Friday 22 March 2024 after 90,000+ Canadians signed it.[1],[2]

The petition is NOT recorded in Hansard nor on the CPAC video of Friday's sitting of the House.[3]

Twelve other petitions were presented live in the House and are recorded in Hansard and on the CPAC video beginning at 2:23:34 until 2:35:55. (less than 13 minutes) [4]

Our petition is Missing In Action!

When we asked why, the Clerk of Petitions explained that Ms. Lewis filed the petition with the Clerk of the House and that all petitions are recorded in the Daily Journal whether presented live to the House or filed with the clerk of the House.[5] You can see that filing here:


— by Ms. Lewis (Haldimand—Norfolk), one concerning health (No. 441-02275) and one concerning foreign affairs (No. 441-02276)."

When we asked Ms. Lewis' office why the petition was filed in this inconspicuous way, the answer was that “the time for presenting petitions had ended when she arrived at the house.” She had been prepared to present it on previous occasions but the limited time allotted for petitions was used up before she had an opportunity to speak. The time of day for petitions varies day by day and is adjusted depending on other business. Rather than wait for a future opportunity to present live, which would be at least 2 weeks away because of Easter break, she chose to file with the clerk of the house so that the government's written response, which is due within 45 days, would be available before the WHO votes on adopting the IHR amendments at the World Health Assembly in May.


Our petition is about withdrawing from the entire UN system, not just about the WHO and IHR.

We demand affirmative action on our petition to Exit UN/WHO. We are not asking the government why it is suppressing us, we are telling the government how to FREE US from the globalist tyranny. Now is the time to increase our support for the Canada Exit UN/WHO campaign. Send this new letter directing MPs to Exit UN/WHO NOW! Your Senators and MLAs will receive courtesy copies to garner their support.

Next step, share these links far and wide with every Canadian you can reach.



[1] https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4623
[2] https://www.ourcommons.ca/petitions/en/Petition/Search?type=&keyword=&sponsor=&RPP=20&order=Recent&category=All&text=4623
[3] https://www.ourcommons.ca/documentviewer/en/44-1/house/sitting-294/hansard (“Routine Procedings” ”Petitions”)
[4] https://www.cpac.ca/house-of-commons-proceedings/episode/march-22-2024?id=5a93ee41-d24c-439b-a961-8ac0fc2c3aee
[5] https://www.ourcommons.ca/documentviewer/en/house/latest/journals?col=2