Help Protect the AIDS Drugs Assistance Program!

The Los Angeles LGBT Center is committed to supporting the Ending The Epidemics (ETE) statewide coalition in its efforts to ensure that the AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Rebate Fund is adequately funded. This is essential to provide the necessary care and support to patients who need it most.

Recently, the Governor proposed to take a $500 million loan from the ADAP rebate fund to address the state's significant budget deficit. However, we have expressed our strong opposition to this proposal because it could have a severe impact on HIV and AIDS programs, potentially depriving patients of the critical support they require.

Nevertheless, we are encouraged by the ETE's ongoing negotiations with the state legislature to accept the loan on the condition that it will be safeguarded, paid back, and utilized to further programs that serve individuals with and at risk for HIV/AIDS. This is a positive step towards ensuring that patients receive the care they need, and we remain committed to supporting these efforts.

Some of those conditions are:
- Increase income eligibility from 500% federal poverty line (FPL) to 600% FPL - $3.5 million FY 24-25, $2.7 million FY 25-26 (ongoing) so that more people are eligible for the rebate fund.
- Upgrade the ADAP formulary to an “open” formulary
- Needs Assessment for health care navigation for people living w/ HIV - $200 thousand (one-time)
- Raise the cap on the Health Insurance Premium Program (HIPP) from $1936 to $2996 per month - $3 million FY 24-25, $7 million FY 25-26 (ongoing)
- Conduct a needs assessment and analysis on PrEP Assistance Programs (PrEP-AP) - $200 thousand (one-time)
- Fund the Harm Reduction Clearing House - $10 million (ongoing)
- Fund the Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, and Intersex (TGI) Wellness Fund to support HIV services in TGI-led organizations and TGI-serving health centers - $5 million ongoing

Send an email today to your state leaders to ask them to support this update to the ADAP program and ensure it's protections and sustainability.