

Wild horse supporters have been vocal about their opposition to the July roundups just completed. Advocates cite the deaths and injuries that occurred along with the negative impact on the horses that happens with removing them from their home lands. These horses have a right to roam freely on their native lands and should not be subjected to such inhumane treatment.

Wild herds removed in July were:

Nevada - Blue Wing Complex Horses
Nevada - Blue Wing Complex Burros
Utah - Swasey
Utah - Sulfur
Wyoming - North Lander

Keeping them on their designated lands is the most fiscally responsible option available. It costs nothing to leave them there. Congress can help protect both taxpayer funds and the federally protected wild equine by calling for an independent analysis to study the financial savings impact to the Wild Horse and Burro Program budget by leaving America's wild equines on public lands.

Please send this email letter to your lawmakers to show your support for stopping the removals that began July 1st and bringing an end to all roundups. The Save America's Native Equine Campaign (SANE) kindly requests that you share with friends and fellow advocates.

Thank you for taking action. 




Wild horse supporters have been vocal about their opposition to the July roundups just completed. Advocates cite the deaths and injuries that occurred along with the negative impact on the horses that happens with removing them from their home lands. These horses have a right to roam freely on their native lands and should not be subjected to such inhumane treatment.

Wild herds removed in July were:

Nevada - Blue Wing Complex Horses
Nevada - Blue Wing Complex Burros
Utah - Swasey
Utah - Sulfur
Wyoming - North Lander

Keeping them on their designated lands is the most fiscally responsible option available. It costs nothing to leave them there. Congress can help protect both taxpayer funds and the federally protected wild equine by calling for an independent analysis to study the financial savings impact to the Wild Horse and Burro Program budget by leaving America's wild equines on public lands.

Please send this email letter to your lawmakers to show your support for stopping the removals that began July 1st and bringing an end to all roundups. The Save America's Native Equine Campaign (SANE) kindly requests that you share with friends and fellow advocates.

Thank you for taking action.