
Make Your Voice Heard: Advocate for Dark Skies!

When was the last time you saw a clear, black night sky shimmering with stars?  

If you are one of the 99% of Americans living under light-polluted skies, the chances are it’s been a while. Our dark skies are a natural resource that is quietly vanishing before our very eyes and under our noses. 

An Act to improve outdoor lighting, conserve energy, and increase dark sky visibility was introduced by Reps. Sean Garballey and Simon Cataldo in the Massachusetts Legislature. This legislation would promote energy-efficient lighting practices in the Commonwealth to undermine the harmful effects of light pollution on wildlife, human health, and climate change, and would preserve our view of the universe. 

Massachusetts is the only state in the Northeast without existing legislation regulating light pollution. It’s time for that to change.  

Take action today and help us take back our night sky!  

Send an email and/or record a video to send to your state representative and state senator encouraging them to help pass the Dark Skies bill before the clock runs out on this legislative session. Share why this issue matters to you personally and why your elected officials should care about preserving the night sky too! 

Make Your Voice Heard: Advocate for Dark Skies!

When was the last time you saw a clear, black night sky shimmering with stars?  

If you are one of the 99% of Americans living under light-polluted skies, the chances are it’s been a while. Our dark skies are a natural resource that is quietly vanishing before our very eyes and under our noses. 

An Act to improve outdoor lighting, conserve energy, and increase dark sky visibility was introduced by Reps. Sean Garballey and Simon Cataldo in the Massachusetts Legislature. This legislation would promote energy-efficient lighting practices in the Commonwealth to undermine the harmful effects of light pollution on wildlife, human health, and climate change, and would preserve our view of the universe. 

Massachusetts is the only state in the Northeast without existing legislation regulating light pollution. It’s time for that to change.  

Take action today and help us take back our night sky!  

Send an email and/or record a video to send to your state representative and state senator encouraging them to help pass the Dark Skies bill before the clock runs out on this legislative session. Share why this issue matters to you personally and why your elected officials should care about preserving the night sky too!