Save our Democracy from Non-citizen Voting in the 2024 Elections

The integrity of our elections is at stake, and we need your participation now to safeguard elections. Since President Biden took office, an estimated 4.6 million illegal aliens have entered our country, with 1.8 million evading apprehension entirely. In many states, these non-citizens can obtain driver's licenses and other benefits, creating opportunities for illegal voter registration in federal elections. Some jurisdictions even allow non-citizens to vote in local elections.

While only U.S. citizens can legally vote in federal elections, current federal law has undermined state laws that require proof of citizenship for voter registration. This loophole threatens the integrity of our democracy.

Representative Chip Roy’s (R-TX-21) Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE Act, HR.8281) addresses this critical issue by amending the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) to require states to verify citizenship and identity for voter registration in federal elections. Here’s how the SAVE Act will protect our elections:

  • Documentary Proof Requirement: States must obtain documentary proof of U.S. citizenship and identity – in person – when registering individuals to vote in Federal elections, whether at a DMV, voter registration agency, or by mail.
  • Alternative Process: Provides an alternative process for U.S. citizens without documentary proof due to religious reasons or other circumstances, subject to standards set by the Election Assistance Commission.
  • Accommodations: Ensures reasonable accommodations for disabled Americans and those with documentation discrepancies due to name changes.
  • Voter Roll Maintenance: Requires states to remove non-citizens from voter rolls, with access to Homeland Security and Social Security Administration databases.
  • Enforcement: Empowers citizens to sue election officials who fail to enforce proof of citizenship requirements and adds penalties for officials who register non-citizens to vote in Federal elections.
  • Streamlined Updates: Directs the Election Assistance Commission to promptly update guidance and federal forms related to the SAVE Act.

This legislation is vital for preserving the integrity of our elections and ensuring that only U.S. citizens participate in the Federal voting process. We must prevent efforts to undermine our democracy and cement one-party rule.

Take Action Now!

This month, Speaker Johnson plans to bring the SAVE Act to the House floor for a vote. Contact your U.S. House Representative today and urge them to support HR.8281, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. We need your participation now to protect the sanctity of our elections and uphold the principles of our democratic republic.