
Tell State Election Board Members to Vote for New Rule to Increase Election Integrity

With the encouragement of our supporters and others in the Georgia Election Integrity Coalition the State Election Board approved this new rule on August 19th!

We need your help to keep up the fight to advance election integrity and transparency in Georgia.  Your generous donation today of $25, $50, or more helps us wage more campaigns like this one.  Thank you in advance in joining the effort to serve all Georgia's citizens by promoting clean elections!



To ensure election transparency so that members of county Boards of Elections can dutifully certify the results of an election, Salleigh Grubbs submitted a new Rule 183-1-12-.12 in July to take effect for the 2024 general election, and the State Election Board (SEB) initiated rule making procedures.  At its August 19th meeting the SEB will vote whether to approve this rule to enhance election integrity.

Why is this rule needed?  County Board members have a fiduciary duty of care to ensure that the county’s elections are executed in accordance with Georgia’s election laws.  Since the Board of Elections members are responsible for certification of election results, they must be able to examine all election-related documents before they attest to the true and accurate results.

What does this proposed rule achieve?  The rule creates a standard procedure for counties to comply with OCGA 21-2-493(b) and affirms that the law mandates reconciliation of voters who voted to total ballots cast for all types of voting prior to certification of election results.  Counties will create complete list of all unique voters who participated in an election.  One practical effect of this rule will help to detect double scanning of ballots during an election.

The State Election Board needs to hear from you today!  The Board will meet August 19th to vote to adopt this proposed election rule.  The members of the Board have received quite a bit of email in opposition to this rule, and we want to encourage the Board members to pass this rule to improve the integrity of Georgia’s elections. 

The SEB must receive your comments by 5:00 p.m. August 18, 2024

Tell State Election Board Members to Vote for New Rule to Increase Election Integrity

With the encouragement of our supporters and others in the Georgia Election Integrity Coalition the State Election Board approved this new rule on August 19th!

We need your help to keep up the fight to advance election integrity and transparency in Georgia.  Your generous donation today of $25, $50, or more helps us wage more campaigns like this one.  Thank you in advance in joining the effort to serve all Georgia's citizens by promoting clean elections!



To ensure election transparency so that members of county Boards of Elections can dutifully certify the results of an election, Salleigh Grubbs submitted a new Rule 183-1-12-.12 in July to take effect for the 2024 general election, and the State Election Board (SEB) initiated rule making procedures.  At its August 19th meeting the SEB will vote whether to approve this rule to enhance election integrity.

Why is this rule needed?  County Board members have a fiduciary duty of care to ensure that the county’s elections are executed in accordance with Georgia’s election laws.  Since the Board of Elections members are responsible for certification of election results, they must be able to examine all election-related documents before they attest to the true and accurate results.

What does this proposed rule achieve?  The rule creates a standard procedure for counties to comply with OCGA 21-2-493(b) and affirms that the law mandates reconciliation of voters who voted to total ballots cast for all types of voting prior to certification of election results.  Counties will create complete list of all unique voters who participated in an election.  One practical effect of this rule will help to detect double scanning of ballots during an election.

The State Election Board needs to hear from you today!  The Board will meet August 19th to vote to adopt this proposed election rule.  The members of the Board have received quite a bit of email in opposition to this rule, and we want to encourage the Board members to pass this rule to improve the integrity of Georgia’s elections. 

The SEB must receive your comments by 5:00 p.m. August 18, 2024