The House Population Health Subcommittee has indicated that Tuesday, March 11th will be their last normally scheduled committee meeting. This does not prevent them from calling a special committee meeting, but as it stands, there are 3 pieces of legislation that Tennessee Right to Life strongly opposes that are scheduled for tomorrow.
HB0027 by Behn (D-Nashville) would completely erase nearly every pro-life provision in Tennessee law and would allow the abortion industry to once again exploit women and profit from the deaths of unborn children in our state.
HB1105 by Salinas (D-Memphis) would remove protection for some unborn children by creating an exception in the Human Life Protection Act for children conceived in assault. Furthermore, since there is no gestational limit in the proposal, it would allow these children to be aborted up until the day of birth. The caption for this bill would allow it to be amended by the full committee or on the House floor to include other dangerous language, including aborting children for any reason or no reason at all. This bill needs to be stopped by the subcommittee.
HB1217 by Johnson (D-Knoxville) would severely weaken Tennessee law by allowing any unborn child to be aborted before viability. It would also put into Tennessee law that abortion is a fundamental right.
The House Population Health Subcommittee has indicated that Tuesday, March 11th will be their last normally scheduled committee meeting. This does not prevent them from calling a special committee meeting, but as it stands, there are 3 pieces of legislation that Tennessee Right to Life strongly opposes that are scheduled for tomorrow.
HB0027 by Behn (D-Nashville) would completely erase nearly every pro-life provision in Tennessee law and would allow the abortion industry to once again exploit women and profit from the deaths of unborn children in our state.
HB1105 by Salinas (D-Memphis) would remove protection for some unborn children by creating an exception in the Human Life Protection Act for children conceived in assault. Furthermore, since there is no gestational limit in the proposal, it would allow these children to be aborted up until the day of birth. The caption for this bill would allow it to be amended by the full committee or on the House floor to include other dangerous language, including aborting children for any reason or no reason at all. This bill needs to be stopped by the subcommittee.
HB1217 by Johnson (D-Knoxville) would severely weaken Tennessee law by allowing any unborn child to be aborted before viability. It would also put into Tennessee law that abortion is a fundamental right.