Protect Access for People With Disabilities in CA Budget
There are a very limited number of qualified CRT providers in California and as noted in the Budget
Committee analysis they are struggling to serve the Medi‐Cal population due to the ongoing
AB 97 10% cuts, upper billing limit restrictions, and a recently submitted state plan amendment that will further cut reimbursement for DME, particularly in rural areas. View the issue paper here for more details.
The immediate threat to adequate access is distressing. California CRT providers continue to provide this critical equipment and services, but without reimbursement improvements they will be forced to make difficult decisions such as limiting product choice, no longer providing repair services in the home, and scaling back facilities.
Immediate legislative action is needed in this year’s budget to avoid further negative impacts to access. We are urging the Legislature to repeal the AB 97 cuts for CRT providers, as has been done in the past in other areas when negative impacts on access to services have been recognized. Send an email to your legislators asking for their support today!