Vermont: Urge your state representatives to support S. 54!
After you type in your contact info, a draft letter will appear for you to review, edit, and submit.
Once you send your letter, follow up by calling your representative. A sample call script will appear for you to use.
The phone numbers listed for representatives’ on Vermont’s legislative web page are usually their home or mobile phone numbers. Before you call, please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the details of the bill and be prepared to have a conversation if the representative answers. If the representative does not answer, leave a message and include a callback number if you’d like your call to be returned.
Thanks for taking action!
Vermont: Urge your state representatives to support S. 54!
After you type in your contact info, a draft letter will appear for you to review, edit, and submit.
Once you send your letter, follow up by calling your representative. A sample call script will appear for you to use.
The phone numbers listed for representatives’ on Vermont’s legislative web page are usually their home or mobile phone numbers. Before you call, please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the details of the bill and be prepared to have a conversation if the representative answers. If the representative does not answer, leave a message and include a callback number if you’d like your call to be returned.
Thanks for taking action!