
Vote NO on HB123, the social engineering gun-control bill!

House Bill 123 lets organizations who hate America and freedom - like Sandy Hook Promise - into our schools to teach social programming under the guise of stopping suicide.

Sandy Hook Promise is dedicated to the destruction of our cherished Second Amendment freedoms, and the programming they want to initiate in Ohio’s schools is designed by “experts” like Marshall Ganz, a far-left community organizer infamous in the gun rights community for his work on the Obama campaign and Obama’s “Organizing for America,” as well as

Government-sponsored programming won't achieve the outcome desired, but government can make sure they are not contributing to the problem by using their subpoena powers to subpoena pharmaceutical companies and FORCE them to disclose any studies or evidence they have regarding the harmful, violent and suicidal effects of psychotropic/SSRI drugs on the juvenile and adult brains.

The rise of suicide amongst teenagers directly coincides with a 65% increase in usage rates for antidepressants between 1999 and 2014! 

SSRI/psychotropic drugs like Celexa, Lexapro, Prozac and Paxil should be investigated IMMEDIATLY instead of letting gun-control organizations have access to our kids! 

Tell your lawmakers to vote NO on HB123 and start subpoenaing pharmaceutical companies to force them to disclose their studies on the harmful, violent and suicidal effects of psychotropic/SSRI drugs on the juvenile and adult brains!

Vote NO on HB123, the social engineering gun-control bill!

House Bill 123 lets organizations who hate America and freedom - like Sandy Hook Promise - into our schools to teach social programming under the guise of stopping suicide.

Sandy Hook Promise is dedicated to the destruction of our cherished Second Amendment freedoms, and the programming they want to initiate in Ohio’s schools is designed by “experts” like Marshall Ganz, a far-left community organizer infamous in the gun rights community for his work on the Obama campaign and Obama’s “Organizing for America,” as well as

Government-sponsored programming won't achieve the outcome desired, but government can make sure they are not contributing to the problem by using their subpoena powers to subpoena pharmaceutical companies and FORCE them to disclose any studies or evidence they have regarding the harmful, violent and suicidal effects of psychotropic/SSRI drugs on the juvenile and adult brains.

The rise of suicide amongst teenagers directly coincides with a 65% increase in usage rates for antidepressants between 1999 and 2014! 

SSRI/psychotropic drugs like Celexa, Lexapro, Prozac and Paxil should be investigated IMMEDIATLY instead of letting gun-control organizations have access to our kids! 

Tell your lawmakers to vote NO on HB123 and start subpoenaing pharmaceutical companies to force them to disclose their studies on the harmful, violent and suicidal effects of psychotropic/SSRI drugs on the juvenile and adult brains!