
Support Fair Elections in Our State!

While there were multiple bills proposed in 2020 on voter access, they all died in session. To have truly fair elections, we must make sure that all eligible voters have access to polling locations. By opening additional locations and extending voting hours, we include those who might not have been able to make it to the polls to vote. Bills about these changes were proposed by legislators this session, but they did not move forward. Use this form to urge your legislators to pass legislation on voter access!

Support Fair Elections in Our State!

While there were multiple bills proposed in 2020 on voter access, they all died in session. To have truly fair elections, we must make sure that all eligible voters have access to polling locations. By opening additional locations and extending voting hours, we include those who might not have been able to make it to the polls to vote. Bills about these changes were proposed by legislators this session, but they did not move forward. Use this form to urge your legislators to pass legislation on voter access!