Monsanto's Assault on Motherhood Must be Stopped!
A new study from Argentina on glyphosate and glyphosate herbicides shows that “exposure to low doses could alter the development of the female reproductive tract, with consequences on fertility.”
This finding is significant considering that glyphosate proponents argue that low dose exposure of this chemical through food consumption is not of concern to human health. This means the conventional food you, your sister, daughter, or females constituents eat, such as wheat, dairy, beans, eggs, orange juice, breast milk, wine beer and more, that has been shown to contain low levels of glyphosate, could be responsible for your/their miscarriages and reproductive harm. The low doses a pregnant woman is exposed to when she walks by her neighbor who is spraying Roundup on their driveway, could cause her to miscarry. Monsanto/Bayer could be responsible for countless miscarriages over the past four decades that their flagship product Roundup has been used in our agriculture and landscaping industries. Over 300 million pounds of glyphosate is used each year in the United States. Roundup continues to be sprayed on food crops and be sold at Home Depot and Lowes despite recent lawsuits in which juries awarded 4 plaintiffs a total of over 2.5 billion dollars for the “malice and oppression” concerning the knowledge that Monsanto’s product could contribute to non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
The five Argentinian scientists further revealed, “Studies have also demonstrated that the exposure to GBHs alters the development and differentiation of ovarian follicles and uterus, affecting fertility when animals are exposed before puberty.” Glyphosate herbicides do not wash, dry or cook off; our daughters are eating these residues in food thousands of times before puberty. Roundup could be making our daughters incapable of procreating. Future generations are at risk!
I am writing to ask you to be a co sponsor of the Protect Our Children from Toxic Pesticides Act, a bill with bi-partisan supported by both Democrats and Republicans and insist that glyphosate herbicides are added to the bill.
Read the full letter to our female elected officials in the House of Representatives and Senate here.
Thank you!
Monsanto's Assault on Motherhood Must be Stopped!
A new study from Argentina on glyphosate and glyphosate herbicides shows that “exposure to low doses could alter the development of the female reproductive tract, with consequences on fertility.”
This finding is significant considering that glyphosate proponents argue that low dose exposure of this chemical through food consumption is not of concern to human health. This means the conventional food you, your sister, daughter, or females constituents eat, such as wheat, dairy, beans, eggs, orange juice, breast milk, wine beer and more, that has been shown to contain low levels of glyphosate, could be responsible for your/their miscarriages and reproductive harm. The low doses a pregnant woman is exposed to when she walks by her neighbor who is spraying Roundup on their driveway, could cause her to miscarry. Monsanto/Bayer could be responsible for countless miscarriages over the past four decades that their flagship product Roundup has been used in our agriculture and landscaping industries. Over 300 million pounds of glyphosate is used each year in the United States. Roundup continues to be sprayed on food crops and be sold at Home Depot and Lowes despite recent lawsuits in which juries awarded 4 plaintiffs a total of over 2.5 billion dollars for the “malice and oppression” concerning the knowledge that Monsanto’s product could contribute to non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
The five Argentinian scientists further revealed, “Studies have also demonstrated that the exposure to GBHs alters the development and differentiation of ovarian follicles and uterus, affecting fertility when animals are exposed before puberty.” Glyphosate herbicides do not wash, dry or cook off; our daughters are eating these residues in food thousands of times before puberty. Roundup could be making our daughters incapable of procreating. Future generations are at risk!
I am writing to ask you to be a co sponsor of the Protect Our Children from Toxic Pesticides Act, a bill with bi-partisan supported by both Democrats and Republicans and insist that glyphosate herbicides are added to the bill.
Read the full letter to our female elected officials in the House of Representatives and Senate here.
Thank you!