Take Action Today to Cleanup Homeless Encampments!
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce recgonizes the many impacts Conronavirus has on our community, including an increase in Hollywood's homeless population. The health of everyone in our community as well as the security of our local businesses has been compromised as a result of the pandemic. Action must be swiftly taken to ensure Hollywood recovers from the pandemic and prospers in the future.
A motion was recently introduced in Los Angeles City Council to authorize the continuation of comprehensive CARE+ cleanups on a citywide level. These cleanups allow for the ethical removal of homeless encampments and sanitization of the surrounding areas, while providing access to critically needed wrap around services to those impacted.
CARE+ cleanups are essential to keep our community safe and give Hollywood businesses the chance to utilize all City programs, such as Al Fresco dining, that businesses have postponed to not put their customers at risk.
Make your voice heard and tell City Council you want CARE+ cleanups to resume citywide immediately!
Take Action Today to Cleanup Homeless Encampments!
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce recgonizes the many impacts Conronavirus has on our community, including an increase in Hollywood's homeless population. The health of everyone in our community as well as the security of our local businesses has been compromised as a result of the pandemic. Action must be swiftly taken to ensure Hollywood recovers from the pandemic and prospers in the future.
A motion was recently introduced in Los Angeles City Council to authorize the continuation of comprehensive CARE+ cleanups on a citywide level. These cleanups allow for the ethical removal of homeless encampments and sanitization of the surrounding areas, while providing access to critically needed wrap around services to those impacted.
CARE+ cleanups are essential to keep our community safe and give Hollywood businesses the chance to utilize all City programs, such as Al Fresco dining, that businesses have postponed to not put their customers at risk.
Make your voice heard and tell City Council you want CARE+ cleanups to resume citywide immediately!