
Thank Kraft Heinz for No Longer Buying Ads on Porn Sites

Kraft Heinz made the right choice to no longer partner with the pornography industry, thank you for this new commitment!

Initially, Kraft Heinz bought major ads on a mainstream pornography website and declined to rule out buying more in the future. That is until advocates like you reached out to them and asked them to change their tune!

When mainstream corporations normalize the pornography industry, they fund and promote its inherently sexually exploitive content. Not only does most mainstream pornography depict themes of violence against women, incest, and racism, but recent revelations also reveal that sex trafficking and child sexual abuse videos have been found on this same website Kraft Heinz initially bought ads on.

Please sign this petition to thank them for their new policy!

Thank Kraft Heinz for No Longer Buying Ads on Porn Sites

Kraft Heinz made the right choice to no longer partner with the pornography industry, thank you for this new commitment!

Initially, Kraft Heinz bought major ads on a mainstream pornography website and declined to rule out buying more in the future. That is until advocates like you reached out to them and asked them to change their tune!

When mainstream corporations normalize the pornography industry, they fund and promote its inherently sexually exploitive content. Not only does most mainstream pornography depict themes of violence against women, incest, and racism, but recent revelations also reveal that sex trafficking and child sexual abuse videos have been found on this same website Kraft Heinz initially bought ads on.

Please sign this petition to thank them for their new policy!