Help Transform NYC's Broken Mental Health Crisis Response System

New York City’s mental health crisis response system is broken. Having a mental health emergency is not a crime and should not be treated like one. Families and individuals in crisis need help, not handcuffs. NYPD should not be first responders to mental health emergencies. The time to transform our mental health crisis response system is now! Contact NYC elected officials and let them know we need them to pass legislation that:

  1. Removes NYPD from mental health emergencies
  2. Funds a non-police response to mental health emergencies that includes mental health response teams that can be quickly dispatched to help people in crisis. These teams should be composed of mental health peers, emt, and individuals trained to handle mental health emergencies( e.g: mental health professionals, social workers) 

By divesting from the NYPD, and investing in an alternative mental health response system we can save lives and get people connected to the help they need. Several models already exist! Examples include CAHOOTS in Oregon, and the CCITNYC pilot proposal.

It’s time NYC invests in a citywide response to mental health crises that does not involve police! We need our elected leaders to vote yes for a plan that ensures all New Yorkers have access to life-saving mental health resources. Join the movement and make sure your voice is heard!