Help Pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act!
The Radical Left wants to dismantle our 2nd Amendment freedoms through federal laws and Executive Orders so that ‘We the People’ will be helpless serfs, unable to stop their tyrannical agenda!
We say ‘HELL NO’ and we are fighting to pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act here in Ohio.
The Second Amendment Preservation Act would defang federal gun-control laws in Ohio by requiring that Ohio cops enforce Ohio laws when it comes to firearms, ammunition and accessories -- ignoring federal gun control laws entirely.
And if a liberal police chief orders his department to violate SAPA law and enforce Biden’s tyranny, YOU can take that agency into civil court where the fines start at $50,000!
This law is already in place and protecting law abiding gun owners in Missouri. It’s high time that Ohio politicians get off their backside and fight for us by passing SAPA here, too!
SIGN your pre-written petition to the Ohio General Assembly demanding that they support and vote for this legislation, being sponsored by Rep. Mike Loychik.
Help Pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act!
The Radical Left wants to dismantle our 2nd Amendment freedoms through federal laws and Executive Orders so that ‘We the People’ will be helpless serfs, unable to stop their tyrannical agenda!
We say ‘HELL NO’ and we are fighting to pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act here in Ohio.
The Second Amendment Preservation Act would defang federal gun-control laws in Ohio by requiring that Ohio cops enforce Ohio laws when it comes to firearms, ammunition and accessories -- ignoring federal gun control laws entirely.
And if a liberal police chief orders his department to violate SAPA law and enforce Biden’s tyranny, YOU can take that agency into civil court where the fines start at $50,000!
This law is already in place and protecting law abiding gun owners in Missouri. It’s high time that Ohio politicians get off their backside and fight for us by passing SAPA here, too!
SIGN your pre-written petition to the Ohio General Assembly demanding that they support and vote for this legislation, being sponsored by Rep. Mike Loychik.