Pass the Ohio Second Amendment Preservaction Act!

Joe Biden and the radical left are coming after our gun rights with everything they have as they try to ban, confiscate, and tax our gun rights into extinction!

That’s why Ohio Gun Owners has teamed up with Representative Mike Loychik to introduce H.B. 62, the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA,) which would nullify federal gun control laws, requiring that peace officers only enforce laws passed by the Ohio General Assembly!

And this bill has teeth.

If a government entity ignores the Ohio SAPA law and orders their police department to enforce tyrannical gun control laws, gun owners would immediately have standing before the courts to sue those government agents for damages!

House Bill 62 is already in the Ohio State and Local Government Committee, but anti-gun radicals and Never-Trumper RINOs are trying to kill this legislation before it gets off the ground

Help us pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act! Send your petition in support today so that the politicians in Columbus know you want SAPA passed NOW!

And when you’re done, please become a member of Ohio Gun Owners by clicking this link or going to

Pass the Ohio Second Amendment Preservaction Act!

Joe Biden and the radical left are coming after our gun rights with everything they have as they try to ban, confiscate, and tax our gun rights into extinction!

That’s why Ohio Gun Owners has teamed up with Representative Mike Loychik to introduce H.B. 62, the Second Amendment Preservation Act (SAPA,) which would nullify federal gun control laws, requiring that peace officers only enforce laws passed by the Ohio General Assembly!

And this bill has teeth.

If a government entity ignores the Ohio SAPA law and orders their police department to enforce tyrannical gun control laws, gun owners would immediately have standing before the courts to sue those government agents for damages!

House Bill 62 is already in the Ohio State and Local Government Committee, but anti-gun radicals and Never-Trumper RINOs are trying to kill this legislation before it gets off the ground

Help us pass the Second Amendment Preservation Act! Send your petition in support today so that the politicians in Columbus know you want SAPA passed NOW!

And when you’re done, please become a member of Ohio Gun Owners by clicking this link or going to