Federal Magazine Capacity Restrictions Introduced in House and Senate!
Anti-gun politicians have filed magazine capacity restriction bills in both the U.S. House and Senate (H.R. 2510/S. 1108) that would ban the sale, manufacturing, transfer, possession, or importation of magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds. This is a gun control activist's dream. Of note, these restrictions would unsurprisingly not apply to law enforcement. This bill would not retroactively ban or require confiscation of magazines currently in circulation. While this bill would not ban magazines in circulation, it would provide grant money for voluntary buybacks of pre-ban magazines.
To fight back against this federal overreach, please use FPC's constituent outreach tool located on this page. FPC has drafted a sample email that you are encouraged to review, edit, and personalize prior to sending it off to your legislators' inboxes. Please take a few minutes to contact your Representative and Senators and demand that they oppose these bills!